Monday, 27 June 2016

Strenghts and Weaknesses of E-Business


Strengths and Weaknesses of E-Business

The Internet has become a place where millions of people all over the world get information, find out about new companies and purchase products. Setting up an e-business segment to your company requires the same kind of planning necessary to set up any other business segment, according to the online business resource "Entrepreneur." Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of e-business helps to create an Internet business plan that suits your company.


E-business allows 24-hour access, seven days a week for you and your customers. You can tie your online order entry component to a real-time inventory tracking program, and your customers can place orders with up-to-date information any time of the day or night. You can also create an portal to your e-business that you and your employees can access to get updated sales data, create marketing reports or work remotely from anywhere in the world.


When you put together a user-friendly e-business interface, your company is on a level playing field with any other company in the world. You can grow and change your e-business component as you see fit to accommodate the needs of your customers, or the needs of your growing business. Your Internet business can become as big as you need it to be without costing you anything extra for office space, warehouse space or even personnel.


While your data is much more useful to you when it is accessible through your e-business portal, it is also exposed to hackers. A hacker cannot get into a locked filing cabinet to find your confidential business information, but if you have an e-business segment that offers real-time pricing, then your costs are exposed. An Internet business also exposes your servers to viruses and hackers.


Prior to the advent of the Internet, a company needed to invest a great deal of money into creating an image. Marketing collateral was created, advertising was done and trademark laws helped to protect the image the company worked so hard to create. Marketing collateral is print advertisements, product information sheets and any kind of materials created to market a product. With an Internet business, imitators can take advantage of your company's success and copy what you are doing. Your logo and the proprietary business processes you create are still protected by trademark and copyright laws, but your web layout and promotional ideas can be copied by other companies, causing confusion in the marketplace.
DWD Solutions

Friday, 17 June 2016

Dumsani Website Design Solutions: How Often Should I Updated My Website?

Dumsani Website Design Solutions: How Often Should I Updated My Website?:       The short answer is “ as often as there is anything worth updating !”  The problem we run into, however, is deciding what ...

How Often Should I Updated My Website?

The short answer is “as often as there is anything worth updating!”  The problem we run into, however, is deciding what is worth updating.  Website maintenance is about more than just your “news and events” page.  Let’s face it – when you run a business, you have news.  You have: new products, staff changes, announcements, policy changes, new services, warnings, tips – the list goes on.  You have things to talk about!  You really should make a point to update something on your website at least once a week.  Let’s review a few reasons why, and some suggestions of WHAT to update.

Your clients really DO want to see your updates.

Making website updates has nothing to do with vanity or tooting your own horn – not that there is anything wrong with that.  Many people hesitate to put news out about themselves or their company because they place themselves last.  The customer comes first, after all.  Whether they are afraid updates appear to be shameless self-promotion, or they simply don’t want to take time away from their customers, their own website takes the back seat.  Website Maintenance is a crucial foundation in any marketing strategy.  Google ignores your website if it isn’t updated.  Viewers get a bad impression if there is old data on your website.  This isn’t about tooting your own horn, this is about making sure your website is visible when your potential customers are searching.

Update your website to make it more interesting to read.

Your website viewers probably have more interesting things they COULD be reading.  They came to your website because they were looking for information.  Make sure you have what they are looking for on your website.  When you add new products or services, make sure you put it on your website.  A good website maintenance strategy will ensure you never lose a potential customer because you didn’t have the right information online.

Update your website to make a good first impression.

They may seem like silly things, but the Copyright 2002 in your footer makes a bad first impression.  Having the latest post on your blog page several years old makes a bad first impression.  You see the pattern here.  Your customers want to do business with whoever they perceive to be the best.  Having a bunch of outdated posts, wrong dates, staff members who don’t work there anymore – they all make a very bad first impression.  Having outdated items on your website is like standing up to speak with a giant food stain on your shirt – your audience is too busy looking at the stain to listen to your message!
DWD Solutions

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Importance of Having a Contact Us Page on your Website?

The Contact Us page is one of the second most important page to have on your website and plays an integral part of a websiteallowing visitors, the press, bloggers, or even advertisers to get in contact with you.  As a business owner, having a contact us page connects visitors into potential customers for your business website.  There are two reasons to include a contact us page on your website. The following are:
  1. People can contact you by various means such as sending you an email, sending you physical mail, or even call your company by telephone.
  2. Since the majority of us have mobile phones with internet capability, we can be able to grab the phone number listed on the website and store that number in our contacts making it easier to reach the company when needed.
What to include on a contact us page?
Sometimes the Contact Us page is at the bottom of the website making it difficult to find and can be disappointing.  Some websites have their contact page separate while other websites place their contact information within the top header of each page or even on the right hand side of each web page they have for their site. A great example of this is Durant Manor Condominiums. If you notice on their website, they have their contact information displayed not only on each page but they have a separate Contact Us page as well making sure their customers can reach them.
On the contact us page, some businesses include just the basics such as the name of the company, the physical address, the email address, and the telephone number while others might include a form for visitors to fill out requested information.
In conclusion, it is really important to have a Contact Us page for your visitors and to have it visible so visitors will not have a difficult time finding the Contact Us page. Your Contact Us page can include just the basics or a contact form and should not include any type of advertising.
What have you included on your Contact Us page?

Best Regards,
DWD Solutions

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Why Your Small Business Needs it's Own E-mail Address?

In our recent post, we shared tips for finding custom domain names for your business when the domain name you want is not available. Once you select a domain name, you should also consider a custom email address. A custom email address helps you create a professional image and boosts your business’ credibility.
Another important reason for setting up customized email addresses for your business is the flexibility it gives you. For instance, when selecting your custom email address, you can select email aliases for various departments such as or This provides more clarity to your customers when they communicate with you as opposed to routing all communications to one free email address. Email aliases will also direct to one inbox so that you can read and reply to all emails through the appropriate alias as well as categories inquiries.
When you have your own custom email addresses you also have full control over them. For instance, you can easily create new ones or remove inactive ones. When a new employee joins your company, you can easily set up one for him or her and create more custom addresses as you hire more staff.
Lastly, getting a custom email address for your business is important because it makes you and your business more memorable in your customers’ inbox. It helps to build a brand. Imagine your customers getting an email from instead of Which email do you think they are most likely to open and respond to?
With, they instantly remember you and your business and can decide quickly whether they want to engage with you or not. Today’s customers are always on the go and are usually pressed for time. Therefore, making the best impression whenever you send email communications to their inbox can really give your business a competitive advantage.
Stop using free email addresses
There are several reasons why you should stop using free email addresses for your business. Using free email addresses, such as gmail or hotmail, could position your business as spam and give potential customers the view that your business is not properly established or credible.
Think of your favorite brands. Are there any that use free email addresses to communicate? The reason why most of them don’t is because having a professional email address helps businesses have a professional outlook.
With free email addresses, because there are often time millions or even hundreds of millions of businesses using the services, it is often difficult to get an email address relevant to your website. With your own custom emails, you can create a business email address for yourself. This is an effective way of branding yourself and your business and would make your email address more memorable to your clients.
Many organizations also block free email accounts so as to prevent viruses and spam. And, one of the most important aspects of having an email address is so that people will receive and read the emails you send. Having a custom email account reduces your risk and lowers your cost as a credible business, since the goal is to have customers and prospects read your emails, communicate with you and purchase.
Also, a custom email address has a very low overhead. The cost to your company is less than the price of a movie ticket.

Hope you make it!!

DWD Solutions

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Why Do Small Businessess Fail!!

Breaks my heart.
According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. A whopping 80% crash and burn. But why? What can we learn from the colossal amount of failure with small business that we can apply to our own business aspirations? At surface level the primary reason businesses fail is they simply run out of cash. But trust me — the cracks in the foundation start well before the brutal day of financial collapse. Thus I give you 5 reasons for failure and more importantly, what you can do to avoid it happening to you:

Reason #1:
Not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue. An amazing thing happens when an entrepreneur sees a potential opportunity in the market, or dreams up a new idea for a product/service: they retreat to a cave. This is the worst move an entrepreneur can make because complete understanding of your customer is imperative to your success. Listen — in my mind entrepreneurs must walk 1,000 miles in the shoes of their customers. Not 10. Not 100. One thousand.
Your customer holds the key to your success deep in their pain, behaviour, dreams, values and the jobs they are trying to accomplish.

Your Solution: In 1999, four smart guys wrote a book called ‘The Cluetrain Manifesto’. Although the book is a tough read in my opinion, there is one silver bullet piece of wisdom shouting from the pages. Markets are conversations.Dialogue is key. And 140 character tweets don’t count. Real dialogue with real customers (via whatever channel is best for them).Nathan Furr and Paul Ahlstrom, co-authors of the book ‘Nail It, Then Scale It’, said it best:“ Which would you rather do — talk to customers now and find out you were wrong or talk to customers a year and thousands of dollars down the road and still find out you were wrong?”

Reason #2:
No real differentiation in the market (read: lack of unique value propositions) did put out a story entitled “Why Everyone Will Have To Become An Entrepreneur”. If this holds true (and I think it will), instead of your competition being 5,000 other Tom, Dick and Harrys, it will soon be 50,000 of these guys.Meaning? Plenty of noise and chaos for those without uniqueness fighting for the bottom scraps. Most times this is a slow killer of businesses. Barely hanging on, entrepreneurs with some customers and some revenue skimp along for months or even years. Every painful inch wondering to themselves if this is all there really is.
Your Solution: First, agree with me right now this is a core element which must be addressed. Entrepreneurs who take this lightly end up in trouble. Grab a tool like Alex Osterwalder’s ‘Value Proposition Canvas’, stick it on your wall and work it. Dig in. Figure out the true value you bring to the table which is unique and different than others in the marketplace.
Now go uncover yours.

Reason #3:
Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion.
Next up is the debilitating disease called ‘failure to communicate’. For those old enough to remember the classic 1967 Paul Newman movie ‘Cool Hand Luke’, seared on the brain is a key line spoken by the prison warden to Newman who plays the maddeningly defiant inmate named Luke. “What we have here is a failure to communicate…”, upon which Newman is shot in the neck and on his way to exsanguination (aka bleeding to death). Many entrepreneurs work hard to discover a point of differentiation then blow it because they do not communicate their message in a clear, concise and compelling manner. I watch many entrepreneurs bleed to death through their failure to communicate.

Your Solution:
It’s pretty simple. Learn how to communicate better. Again, I reference point #1 above. If an entrepreneur is truly engaged in conversation (read: dialogue, not monologue), then you’ll learn the
language of your customer. If they speak Russian, then please stop trying to speak French to them. Listen to the words they use and then use them right back at them. Do so through focus on these 3 points:
•Be clear (are your customers unclear about who you are and what value you bring to them?).
•Be concise (are you somewhat clear but go on and on and on in your messaging?).
•Be compelling (do the words you use persuade your customers to take the action you want them to?)

Reason #4:
 Leadership breakdown at the top (yes — founder dysfunction).You see it all the time in the media. Right off the deep end goes another athlete with unbelievable talent. Painful to watch the self-sabotage of the likes of a Lance Armstrong, Mike Tyson or Aaron Hernandez, all of which fell short
from truly remarkable success because of their poor decisions. Now startup entrepreneurs who go down hard might not have their names splashed across the headlines of tomorrow’s
Newspaper Posts, but I submit to you their reason for failure is sometimes the same. Self-sabotage through extremely poor decision making and weak leadership skills.

Your Solution:
Wake up to realize it’s your baby. You’re the founder. Which makes you the leader. Matters not if
you’re a business of one, or 1,000. Lack the ability to strongly relate with people? Gain the skills necessary to do so. Struggle with anger issues? Solve it with anger management. Entrepreneurs who succeed spend time with personal development. I have never once met an angel or venture capital investor who doesn’t investigate the character of a founder and his/her team before whipping out their checkbook. It still amazes me how many business owners who actually have good ideas with the ability to execute them — crash and burn because of their own dysfunction. Please don’t be one of them.

Reason #5:
Inability to nail a profitable business model with proven revenue streams.
In the end, this is the sum total. Fail to accurately achieve product/market fit where money gets made, and you’re sunk. Entrepreneurs can actually have each of the four above reasons solved, but still miss the business model boat. Twitter is a perfect example of this (although 2013 may be the year they finally turn black in the profit/loss column).

Your Solution:
 Startups need to move swiftly without spending tons of cash to figure out their secret sauce. Using tools and methodologies such as Minimum Viable Products, Lean Marketing and Experimentation is critical. A perfect example of this comes from Tony Hsieh’s book ‘Delivering Happiness’, wherein he describes the early days of Zappos. He and his co-founders weren’t even sure back in the late 90’s that people would dare order shoes over the Internet. So they ran a quick test: Up goes a website with shoe images taken from manufacturers’ websites, some buy now buttons and watch to see what happens.Cha-ching. Order comes through, one of the guys sprints to the local shoe store, buys the requested shoes at full retail, and then scurries home to ship them out. Did they lose money on every pair of shoes shipped? Yes they did. But did they quickly ascertain whether they had a potentially viable business idea? Yes again. All with zero inventoryor fulfillment capabilities.
Think and move quickly, ‘fail fast’ if you’re going to fail at all, and nail your business model.

Best Build Your Business
DWD Solutions