Friday, 9 January 2015

Inspiration from Graphic Designer!!!!!!

Gustav Klutsis.

Born in 1895, Gustav was drafted into the Russian army in 1915 and helped overthrow Tsar Nicholas II in 1917. Discharged a year earlier, he became a card-carrying member of the communist party. In 1919, he studied art in Kazimir Melevi's studio and began to experiment with constructivist-influenced politically-infused photomontage for posters such as Dynamic City and Lenim and Electrification, each of which supported Soviet state ideology.
In 1920 Klutsis began teaching colour theory at Vkhutemas, the state-sponsored art and design school. It was here that he met and married the art student Valentina Kulagina, with whom he would collaborate for the rest of his life. Under Stalinism, Klutsis used illustration, photography, sculpure and mostly photomontage (often referred to in his particular case as potential photomontage) to celebrate the values and ideals of the communist state.

One of Klutsis's most famous works,  Under the Banner of Lenin (1930) overlays Lenin's face with that of stalin.


Friday, 2 January 2015


Why sometimes some of us suffer from getting what we want?????

I will be honest from the start, I am also a victim of a group of people who where not always getting what they want.

I have viewed my year 2014 of all the things that i did and the things that i wanted to do against what i have actually achieved. Truly, on my case, i did not achieve other things because of one else but me.

If i look closely, there are a number of things that we want to achieve but it requires a lot of hard work, commitment, focus, planning and a lot of other things that we NEED to do to achieve these things. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, and i do believe that now.

My Own Tip and what i Will continue doing:

> Decide what you want and have a reason why you want it. (how is it going to benefit you when you have got it)
> Decide how are you going to achieve it - you may not have an answer for this....but you can also search for people that have achieved that and get advise from them. '
> Never loose focus on what you want to achieve - it becomes a norm that most of us plan things around January but we have already forgotten about those plans during the year. I suggest that you put a time frame around what you want to achieve - it will make things easier for you and you won't loose focus of your target as you'll working against time.
> Never Give Up - this is one of the most important aspect of our goals and it is linked with point no 1. If whatever you want means a lot for you, it will NOT be easy for you to give up should you meet obstacles along the way to your target as you will ask YOURSELF  a question  'is this very important for me to archieve', if the answer is yes, then giving up will NOT be an option. In that way you will always achieve your goals. Also make sure you are realistic in your goals/dreams as that also creates a low self esteem on some people as they will end up believing that they were never made to achieve this or that.


